Friday, September 7, 2007

So Long. Farewell. Auf Wedersein. Goodbye.

It's early, and, God bless the kookabura outside. He got up at 4:30 to say good bye to me. I'm leaving Australia this morning, for a while at least. Provided that the PotUS and his security detail, and their 'fans' (and by fans, here I mean crazy people hell-bent on disrupting life for earth people by rioting at the APEC conference) don't decide that this morning would be happy fun time to have an airport clogging riot.

Australia. Thank you. It has been a great year. You have, for the most part, wonderful citizens and inhabitants. You are blessed with beauty beyond what I had imagined. Far beyond. I will return. Soon, Inshallah. Soon.

So there you go. It's early. I may post a couple more pics from this last New Zealand trip, because I got some good ones.

Now. I go to enter my time machine. You see, I arrive in the states before I leave Australia...

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