Monday, December 22, 2008

What I Found In The Bathroom This Morning...

So, I'm staying with a really wonderful farming family in Very rural
New South Wales. With a Jesuit friend of mine in tow. We're in the old
bunkhouse where the hired hands used to sleep. This morning I got up
and went to the bathroom and as I was leaving I noticed this large
Huntsman on the doorjam. I then realized my friend had only been in
Australia for a couple of days and his impression is that all wildlife
here is over the top lethal. Which is fairly accurate. But I digress.
Since we're sharing the bathroom, and didn't want him to panic, I woke
him up, told him to put on his glasses and not to panic. Which, of
course made him very nervous. This is what he saw. (Note: I included
the bathroom tiles in the picture for scale.). I am still working on
getting my friend off of the ceiling.


PAgent said...

There are many times that I envy you your adventures.

This is not one of those times.

Unknown said...

Just out of curiosity, are the bathroom tiles 2 inch across? 4 inches? Either way, that's a damn big spider. Did you know it was a Huntsman (and whether it was venomous) when you saw it, or have to look it up after your breathing return to normal?